Making an appointment
We run all our surgeries by an appointment-only system.
Appointments can be booked in a number of ways
- On-line via NHS Wales App
- by telephoning the practice 01490 420210
- by visiting the practice in person
If you’re unsure what type of appointment and with who, is most appropriate, we’d be more than happy to advise.
GP Appointments
GP appointments are 10 minutes in length and are for one person only. You can choose from a face to face appointment or telephone consultation at time of booking. If you have a complex or multiple issues to discuss, please ask for a double appointment. You might be provided with a link so that you can send a photo of your complaint to the GP or similarly you may be provided with information about your condition via email or mobile phone once you have spoken to the GP.
Routine Appointments
Routine appointments are for non-urgent problems or follow ups if you have an ongoing condition. These appointments are available to book at least six weeks in advance. You can use any of the available digital solutions to request a non urgent appointment or call back.
On The Day Appointments
We have a certain number of on the day appointments available daily. These are for medical problems which require same day advice or treatment.
Emergency Appointments
If you’re very unwell and need to be seen soon/urgently, contact the practice by phone as soon as possible and explain your condition to the receptionist. You’ll be offered a same day consultation where relevant (which may be over the phone).
Children under 16
Children under 16 will always be given a same day consultation if they are acutely unwell (this may be on the phone).
Home Visit
A home visit may be arranged if you are too unwell to attend the surgery. Please explain briefly to the receptionist the reason for your request. The doctor will contact you and decide if a home visit is necessary.
Asking Questions and Care Navigation
Receptionists are requested to ask questions about why you are calling so that you can be directed to the right person to help. This can mean directing you to other services within or outside the practice. This makes the most efficient use of our services and ensures that you get seen by the most appropriate service and as soon as possible.
General Enquiries and Administration Requests
If you have general enquiries or paperwork for completion please email through your request or speak to the Medical Secretary. Please don’t make an appointment with the GP.
Practice Nurse / Healthcare Assistants (HCA) appointments
The Practice Nurse and HCA’s support the GP’s and advise, educate and provide information about health conditions and ailments. It’s important to tell the receptionist the reason for your appointment when booking as different conditions and reviews require different appointment lengths.
Physiotherapist and Midwife
An appointment can be made directly with the physiotherapist and midwfe. There is no need to see the GP first.
Young People: Seeing a GP or Nurse Alone
As a child it is normal to have visited the GP with an adult. As children grow older, they might want to start coming to appointments alone…and that is perfectly ok. Children can come alone at any age, however age 12 up is considered the most appropriate age to start attending alone. The same rules of confidentiality apply to children as they do adults.
Cancelling an appointment
If you can’t attend or no longer need your appointment, please remember to cancel in advance. We can then offer the appointment to someone else.
If you fail to attend your appointment it will be recorded as a ‘DNA’ Did Not Attend. Missed appointments are monitored and action will be taken if a pattern emerges and can lead to your removal from our patient list.