Uwchaled Medical Practice

Reception phone line: 8:00am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday

Dispensary phone line: 10.30am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday

Minor Injuries

We offer a minor injury service during our normal opening hours.  This applies to both adults and children.

If you have suffered a minor injury please call the practice for advice first rather than just turn up.   Our ability to help depends on the type of injury and also the capacity of our GP’s and nurses at the time.   If we don’t have a clinician available to treat you or we believe it’s not appropriate for us to treat, you’ll need to go to a local minor injury unit or A&E.

The service is for less serious injuries such as;

  • minor burns and scalds
  • cuts
  • eye injury
  • bites
  • bruising
  • foreign bodies
  • sprains
  • stitching of small wounds
  • Minor head injuries

For less serious injuries always go to a minor injuries unit rather than A&E. No appointment is needed, and they usually offer much shorter waiting times than the main emergency departments.

To find the details of your local minor injuries unit visit NHS 111 Wales

If you have more serious injuries, severed limbs, broken bones or are bleeding heavily you should go immediately to your nearest Emergency Department (ED)


Date published: 6th November, 2019
Date last updated: 27th January, 2023