Uwchaled Medical Practice

Reception phone line: 8:00am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday

Dispensary phone line: 10.30am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday

Specimens and Samples

Urine Infection

A urine infection might seem like a simple condition with straight forward treatment; however, such infections can be extremely serious.  We cannot stress enough how important it is for you to be seen by a clinician so that you can be properly assessed.

  • Without exception, you must make an appointment to see a member of the nursing team and complete our UTI symptoms form.
  • Urine sample bottles can be collected from reception and samples will only be accepted in these containers. Please label the bottle clearly with your name and date of birth.
  • We’ll reject any samples which have simply been ‘dropped off’ (unless you’ve been requested to do so by a clinician)

If you’re unsure of anything, please contact reception for further information or advice.


Samples for Laboratory Analysis

If you have been asked to provide a specimen (urine, faeces, phlegm) to be sent to the lab for analysis, these must be received in the appropriate bottles/containers and handed in at reception.      We cannot accept specimens on a Friday afternoon as they won’t be collected by the lab.

Always write your name and address on the bottle and ensure it is clean and tightly closed.

Date published: 16th August, 2019
Date last updated: 27th January, 2023